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February 12, 2015


Dede Diana17

thanks for information "Premature deindustrialization in the developing world"
my web :




Very good information about Premature deindustrialization in the developing world.

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Bisnis Ibu Rumah Tangga

Thanks for this useful information

Bisnis Ibu Rumah Tangga

Bisnis ibu rumah tangga

Tord Steiro

I think it is in the last section you nail it. What if the existence of large-scale manufacturing, in itself, is seen as a challenge to the elites?

Wile large-scale manufacturing certainly produces economies of scale, technological progress, and innovation capacity, it also produces large groups of people who can communicate and organise at low costs due to their proximity to each other. Unions are dangerous for elite, and perhaps it is better to avoid the large-scale manufacturing altogether?

Is it possible that the threat of democratisation forces elites to restrict their investments in manufacturing? Looking to China would perhaps lead us to dismiss such an idea, but really, could it be one fo the drivers for the de-industrialisation?

Regarding democracy, reduction of transaction costs in communications, information sharing, and organisation, appears to ahve been a key feature for any succesful social movement. Factories provide that, because large amounts of workers work and live close to each other and share some identities. In the absence of factories, what will fill the void? Are we now dependent on middle-class kids to pick up that thread on facebook? What will societies look like then?


thanks for information "Premature deindustrialization in the developing world"
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All the Development model does not fit over the years and around the different countries,but we have tried the same;it's the problem.

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