A renowned Turkish police investigator, Hanefi Avci, is behind bars today, accused of having collaborated with a violent revolutionary organization. The charges make as much sense as Winston Churchill having been an undercover operative for Stalin.
To anyone but the most jaundiced observer, Avci’s real crime is obvious: he wrote a book in which he claimed that members of the Fethullah Gulen network within the police and the prosecutorial branch – followers of the U.S.-based Muslim spiritual leader –were using dirty tricks to frame and incarcerate perceived opponents.
Avci, a courageous and incorruptible police commander, can hardly be considered an ultra-secular, ultra-nationalist defender of the old guard. His worldviews are much closer to the Gulenists that he now accuses. That is what lent credibility to his charges and made his book such a bombshell. He now appears to have fallen victim to the kind of machinations that he exposed in his own book.
Ironically, Avci’s arrest comes on the same day that another story exposing the dirty tricks broke. This one concerns the famed Cage Plan, which is one of the alleged Ergenekon plots that the police and the prosecutors are supposed to have uncovered. The Cage Plan is an operation that is said to be hatched by members of the Ergenekon gang to harass and intimidate minorities. Police claim that it was discovered in encrypted form on a DVD found in a retired naval major’s office.
A forensic examination in the United States has revealed that the DVD in question does not contain any such plan. Wherever the plan may have originated from, the source wasn’t the retired officer who is currently in jail. Unbelievable as it sounds, the U.S. forensic expert – a founder of NYPD’s computer crimes investigation unit – says there is little doubt that the police and TUBITAK just made it up when they alleged that the DVD contained the plan. It looks like the Cage Plan was written by perpetrators with the express intent of framing a group of naval officers and their superiors. No surprise here if you have followed the Sledgehammer case.
Don’t expect the Turkish media to dwell on these remarkable developments at any length. Turkey’s nominally independent media is under tremendous pressure to toe the government line and not offend the Gulen movement. The Dogan media group, for example, is reeling under a huge tax fine imposed last year. The reporters and columnists who understand what is going are effectively silenced, while the government-friendly media (Zaman, Star, Sabah, and so on) spew endless disinformation.
It is very difficult not to get depressed about the state of the country. All the more so since much of the Western media (as well as Washington, DC and Brussels) appear to be clueless about these goings-on and what they reveal about the nature of the government in power.
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Posted by: minority school grants | September 28, 2010 at 11:08 PM
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Posted by: ugg boots uk | September 29, 2010 at 01:25 AM
Well, that's a good news for the Turks.
Posted by: escalante blogger | September 29, 2010 at 10:47 PM
If you don't like what's happening in Turkey, consider how it's being fueled here in the US, all under the radar of the majority of Americans. The rapidly growing network of over a hundred charter schools run by followers of Fethullah Gulen across the US is adding greatly to the economic strength and political lobbying power of the Gulen Movement.
Posted by: Concerned Citizen | September 30, 2010 at 06:53 AM
Claire Berlinski's recent piece in Standpoint touches on the Gulen Movement's manipulation of the media, which is happening here in the US too:
Posted by: Concerned Citizen | September 30, 2010 at 07:00 AM
Thaks good article nobody in Turkey has courage enough to openly put the truth forward like u did nowadays.
We are simply under a civilian Gulen coupe..
Posted by: Murat | September 30, 2010 at 02:35 PM
el bile anladı ne mal oldugumuzu bi biz tanıyamadık kendimizi
Posted by: baris | September 30, 2010 at 06:48 PM
Short story of what has been going on in Turkey since 2002 elections. Sorrow is; was it that vulnerable to these threads?
Thanks to Author....
Posted by: Mehmet Kanal | October 01, 2010 at 01:20 AM
Actually I never know what is going on in Turkey until I read this article. Thanks.
Posted by: Markin Ambuh | October 02, 2010 at 12:13 PM
Also it is good to now that at these Gulen Schools the Teachers tell the kids that Turkey all about relidious freedoms and respect and tolorance.
They lie to the media and give free Turkey trips to news agenices etc.
Watch these News clips and you will see how they lie to change the opinions of others.
Posted by: FoolinGulen | October 02, 2010 at 01:21 PM
Turkey's AKP is owned by Gulen, it is no secret that the majority of Turkish citizens do not like Gulen. Why do you think he lives in the USA in exile? Not just to count his $25 billion he has emassed from controlling: Education, politics, police, military and of course media. Gulen fears for his safety, so he hides behind the Hizmet.
take a look around in the USA he is trying the same domination with his foundations, charter schools and lobbying groups in Washington DC that Tax Payers are FUNDING via education fees that are laundered from the Charter schools
Rumi Forum and Assembly of Turkic American Federations in Washington. Gulen won't stop until he is in complete control
Posted by: Sonia | October 03, 2010 at 01:37 PM
ment line and not offend the Gulen movement.
Posted by: wholesaledunk | October 06, 2010 at 05:19 AM
I don't think the western media is clueless about the situation in Turkey. They just don't seem to care about conserving the secular structure in Turkey at all so they happily buy what the Gülen media serves them.
Fethullah Gülen's cult (a.k.a the Gülen Movement) is openly supported by the US government. Gülen, a barely literate man who has extremely little formal education was granted a green card by the same federal government on basis of his extraordinary achievements, whatever they may be. It is also not a secret that Gülen is protected by American secret service agents in his ranch at Pennsylvania.
United States is using this person and his evergrowing cult to convert Turkey into a moderate islamic semi-dictatorship. What good they will achieve out of this however is a mystery to me. Probably they just couldn't learn a lesson from their previous mistakes like supporting Al Queda and Osama bin Laden against the former USSR and probably not afraid of a similar blowback. Or maybe they are outright dumb. Beats me. However, this is the situation in Turkey today, plain and simple.
Considering these facts, it is easy to conclude that your late efforts regarding your father in law are and most likely will remain quite fruitless. Instead of writing stuff at your weblog maybe you should start looking for connections high up in the CIA. They surely have the power to order Gülen to order his subordinates in Turkey to set your relative free. Believe me that would be a much more realistic attempt.
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Posted by: Jordan 6 | October 08, 2010 at 09:13 PM
Professor Rodrik, I urge you to not follow the advice of the person who says "Instead of writing stuff at your weblog..." I feel for your situation with your father-in-law, and indeed for all families caught up in the net of the AKP/Gulen obsession with power and disregard for human rights. But this is about something much bigger than any one individual. We need people like you to keep writing about this, because Americans need to be informed about the truth. The AKP/Gulen nexus has for years now been aiming a massive propaganda effort at the US, with substantial success. Knowledgeable people such as yourself must speak out to counteract this.
Posted by: RRF1966 | October 10, 2010 at 07:02 PM
What a revealing article by Rodrik that tells us what REALLY takes place in Turkey.
And, our current administration along with heads of European governments still SUPPORT semi dictator Erdogan+Gulen civil dictatorial taking place ever strongly in Turkey for the last 8+ years.
I saw students beaten up brutally by police when they tried to voice up their right for free public education. Illegal wiretapping by Gulen Cult police force effectively shut down any independent media, business people, academicians, and judges. And, the western media (hello NY Times, bastion of All the news fit to print, BBC, NPR and the rest..) combined with our governments simply let(!) a civil dictatorial takes hold in the only secular country with majority of its population is Muslim.
Thank you, Mr. Rodrik speaking out the truth. Hope your father in law and other hundreds of people behind bars for over 3 years for no reason walk away as free men.
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Posted by: emlak | October 16, 2010 at 07:22 AM
Publicly funded yet privately managed – Charter School fraud is an easy concept. Charters can be succesful it depends on the “agenda” of the the managing company. Accountability has not caught up to the growth of the Charter movement. In the USA we have an Islamic Imam – Fethullah Gulen (Gulen Movement) that manages over 130 US Charter schools they have taken over $1 billion in Educational monies in the last 10 years and are growing like rapid fire.
The Gulen schools have a network of foundations and instutitions layered over the schools and much of our educational money is going to non-educational expenses such as: Turkish Olympiads, trips to Turkey for the students and local politicians, H1-b Visas of over 2,000 uncredentialed teachers from Turkey (while American teachers are handed pink slips) this money is to fuel the grand ambition of Fethullah Gulen who lives in exile (for a reason) in the Poconos, PA area with his $25 billion in wealth from inflitration in: education, media, police, poltics and military. Seems the same model works very nicely in the USA. Do your research!!!
Posted by: Sonia | October 17, 2010 at 09:58 PM
How come more people in USA and the main stream media is not casting in light on Gulen and these charter schools of his on the mainstream media? Write your paper and ask for some coverage and the concerns of the American families and nieghborhoods reguarding these schools? It is everyone's responcibility to get the word. Please email and write everynewspaper and tv channel you can think of. It is about time we expose these frauds for what they really are.
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Posted by: rent apartment London | October 22, 2010 at 07:12 AM
The Gulen Charter schools are guilty of Visa Fraud, their schools Magnolia Science Academy, Horizon Science Academy, Harmony Science Academy and Sonoran Science Academy are bringing foreign teachers without credentials to the USA under h1-b fraud. American Tax payers are footing this bill, you will note that they have more h1-b visas for teachers than the largest school district in the USA (LAUSD)
At a time when great American Teachers are getting pink slipped the Islamic Gulen Movement is dismantling the American Public School System one state at a time. The Gulen Charter Schools have robbed American Taxpayers of over $1 billion in Educational funds over the span of the last 10 years. Throught the network of Gulen Foundations, and bribes via their interfaith dialogue, they have managed to snow job members of congress, local politics, local religious leaders, and local academia. Free dinners and free trips to Turkey to side step their true agenda which is to dominate and control American Education, politics, interfaith dialog, police, media and military. As Fethullah Gulen has done world wide and in his native Turkey which got him exiled for attempting to overthrow a secular government.
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Posted by: [email protected] | October 24, 2010 at 07:52 PM
Its really a height for craziness... It reflects how corrupt todays system have become..
Posted by: Cafe Bruges | October 26, 2010 at 06:17 AM
My Dear Dani, you now write like a journalist. How far do you know is "incorruptible". For how long have you known him? It's not because you and many others admire his book that he is clean. The rigorous researcher you are should not make such affirmations which are not based on any facts or logic. How much can you say of his life before he became commander in the police force?
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You are very much biased to talk about matters in Turkey. You are the son-in-law of a retired general who was arrested for conspiracy to overthrow the Turkish government. And, he admitted the plans and he still thinks he did his job. Can you support a general like that here in the States? I don't think so.
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A forensic examination in the United States has revealed that the DVD in question does not contain any such plan. Wherever the plan may have originated from, the source wasn’t the retired officer who is currently in jail.
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